Patent No. 102017000096298 entitled “Method for the production of a polyphenolic composition starting from barley malt” filed and registered jointly with the National Research Council”


ALIOPHARM ® is a company specialized mainly in formulation, research and development activities in the following sectors:

  • food-nutraceutical
  • cosmetic
  • veterinary feed.
ALIOPHARM ®, in particular, operates in the research and development of products designed for human and animal well-being and consumption and in close collaboration with the National Research Council (CNR) has developed "ALIOPHEN ®", an extract from selected malts and hops , 100% natural and rich in polyphenols at their original concentrations.
ALIOPHARM ®, furthermore, is active in the marketing of products subject to applied research such as:
  • ingredients for foods, for food supplements and for functional foods;
  • ingredients to be used in the production of cosmetic products;
  • ingredients of feed materials.
ALIOPHARM ® is open to commercial collaborations and is available to supply the products which are the subject of its research and development activities.


Cosa ci rende unici

Aliopharm®: Dove Scienza e Natura si Incontrano

Crediamo in un futuro in cui natura e scienza lavorano insieme per selezionare e offrire ingredienti naturali e sostenibili. ALIOPHEN® rappresenta il nostro contributo, combinando il meglio della tradizione italiana con l'avanguardia della ricerca scientifica.

La Nostra Missione

Unire tradizione e innovazione per sviluppare soluzioni basate su ricerche avanzate e ingredienti naturali come il malto e il luppolo.

ALIOPHEN®: L'Eccellenza Brevettata

ALIOPHEN® è brevettato ed è un estratto naturale, sviluppato in collaborazione con il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), unendo scienza e qualità.

Perché Scegliere ALIOPHEN®

  • Unicità: Brevettato e studiato da esperti per arricchire formule innovative;
  • Innovazione scientifica: Sviluppato e validato attraverso studi rigorosi;
  • Ingredienti naturali: Estratto da malti e luppoli, simboli di qualità e tradizione, con polifenoli alle concentrazioni originali;
  • Versatilità: Un estratto naturale adatto per formulazioni innovative in ambito nutraceutico e cosmetico, con applicazioni versatili per integratori alimentari e prodotti per la bellezza.
  • Ricerca continua:
    Aliopharm®, grazie al lavoro di scienziati di fama internazionale, continua gli studi per approfondire e ampliare le conoscenze scientifiche sulle potenzialità dell'estratto di malti e luppoli denominato ALIOPHEN®;
    Attualmente, collaborano attivamente alla ricerca:
    Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-ISA);
    Il Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco (DSTF) – Università di Torino (UNITO);
    L'Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno;
ALIOPHEN®, un impegno concreto che unisce l'eccellenza italiana, alla sostenibilità e agli studi scientifici, per chi cerca soluzioni naturali made in Italy, da implementare nei propri prodotti. Aliophen, diversi utilizzi ma un'unica fonte: La Natura – Made in Italy

Aliophen ®


Aliophen ® is an extract of malts and hops, obtained from the use and mixing of three main natural ingredients: water, barley malts and hops specially chosen for which yeast has not been added to avoid fermentation and the consequent production of alcohol.
Aliophen ® is the result of a series of studies and research, carried out in collaboration with the CNR and, in particular , with the CNR-ISA research group of Avellino, aimed at examining the beneficial/antioxidant power of some types of beer on the market which was followed by the study and selection of malts and hops commonly used in beer production.
Aliophen ®

  • 100% natural;
  • rich in polyphenols at their original concentrations;
  • it has bioactive molecules that are not artificially added;
  • is presented in composition, liquid and/or powder;
  • it is the result of a series of studies, research and experiments, carried out in collaboration with the CNR.

Experimental data and applied research have demonstrated how Aliophen ®is suitable for use in the food, cosmetics and feed supply chain.




(in liquid or powder formulation)

  • Food
    (on its own or as a food ingredient if used as an extract from selected malts and hops in a different food)
  • Food Supplement
    (single or as an ingredient/component of a compound food supplement)
  • Functional Food
Aliophen ® is a food pursuant to art. 2 of Reg. (CE) 178/2002
Aliophen ®can be marketed and consumed as such as a food supplement pursuant to Dir. 2002/46/CE and/or as an ingredient/component of a food supplement > functional food.



(in liquid or powder formulation)

  • Cosmetic Product Ingredient
(to be added intentionally during the manufacturing process of the cosmetic product)



(in liquid or powder formulation)

  • Raw Material Ingredient for Feed



Italian patent no. 102017000096298 entitled "Method for the production of a polyphenolic composition starting from barley malt" was filed and registered and later extended to Europe, the USA, CHINA and Canada.

The Italian patent application no. 102024000016369 has been filed entitled "New Polyphenolic Composition"


Scientific Publications

The beneficial properties of the product resulting from the studies conducted have not been endorsed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
The beneficial effects of Aliophen ® on health have not been expressly recognized and authorized by EFSA.

Antioxidant and Chemopreventive Effect of Aliophen® Formulation Based on Malts and Hops

by Idolo Tedesco 1 ,Carmela Spagnuolo 1, ,Stefania Bilotto 1, Angelo A. Izzo 2, Francesca Borrelli,Daniela Rigano 2,Maria Russo 1,Fabrizio Tarricone 3 and Gian Luigi Russo 1.
  1. National Research Council, Institute of Food Sciences, 83100 Avellino, Italy
  2. Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II, 80131 Naples, Italy
  3. ALIOPHARM S.r.l., 20124 Milan, Italy
Antioxidants 2021, 10(1), 29;


Fabrizio Tarricone

Fabrizio Tarricone

Sole Directoe
Antonio Frungillo

Antonio Frungillo

Sales and Management Consultant
Marzia Pellizzato

Marzia Pellizzato

Technical, Scientific and Regulatory Consultant
Alessandro Colletti

Alessandro Colletti

Technical, Scientific Consultant
Eva Adabbo

Eva Adabbo

Quality Manager
Giuseppe Cerone

Giuseppe Cerone

Information and Communication Technology - Project Consultant
Francesca Giovine

Francesca Giovine

Office Assistant


with a single partner
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20124 Milano (MI) - Italy
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